Monday, December 19, 2011

Water For Elephants Movie Review

Water For Elephants was a very interesting movie. It shows the real side of circus life and the allusions behind it. The cruelty it shows with the animals is terrible and August really need to get a grip on his life. Marlene is the contrast character that cares for the animals and doesn't think the world is going to end if the circus dies. Jacob comes along and is the vet for the circus and he sides with Marlene on caring for the animals and mainly Rosie. Rosie is probably the best Character in this movie. Her attitude is so funny and she is so smart. This movie is not one that I would really watch but it was a movie i would watch again.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Marlena's Diary

Dear Diary,
I just don't know what to do anymore. Everything was going fine until that vet joined us. I mean I thought I was truly happy with August. He can be a little violent sometimes but he doesn't know what he is doing. I thought he cared for whats best for me but now that I have seen what it's like to have someone really care for me and want whats best I'm just not too sure. It's not just me he cares for either! That stupid vet cares for whats best for the animals too which makes him even more irresistible! I am getting sick and tired of August being so selfish and not treating the animals like he is suppose to. I really don't know whats going to happen but all I know is that I better stay away from Jacob or August might not have a wife or a vet anymore and I won't have a job or a home.

Friday, December 2, 2011

IT's A Circus!

College football games are like a modern day circus. People love the excitement it brings. They come for the food which would consist of tailgates and concession stands. They come for the prizes. To see who is holding the winning ticket for the 50/50.people come for entertainment. The entertainment may not have exotic animals but there are always drunk animals yelling and screaming and getting into fights that are pretty funny. Most of all they people come to see the performers, the players. they come to watch the talent among the athletes on the field. Whether it is being able to make that long pass for a touchdown or being able to run the ball at lightning speed the people always enjoy College ball.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Idea of FG!

It doesn't take a smart guy to go far in life. I think Groom was trying to tell people that the dumb people in life aren't always as dumb as they may seem and that if you let other people choose your path it may not always end well.even though you may not have good social cues or people call you an idiot and get put int the crazy house doesn't mean you aren't smart its just that you are lacking in a different area, people need to understand that idiots are real people too!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Dear Diary

Forest finally found me. I thought he was dead I mean who just shows up after being MIA for four years! I just about pooped my pants when I heard that voice say my sandwich was looking good. So now forest and Dan have been living with me for a few days and Forest has this insane idea that he is going to be a wrestler. I don't know if i like that idea and I don't know if I like this guy mike either. I mean he is making Forest wear a diaper for heavens sake. Couldn't he have thought about a different character for Forest to be like OH I don't know maybe a lion or something more fierce. I would much rather see forest with a mane and a tail than in a diaper and a dunce hat. I don't know I guess we will just have to see how it goes and pray Forest doesn't hurt too many people.Until next time.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

A World Full Of Hurt

I still remember from ten years ago coming out into the living room and watching the towers come crashing down. I would hate to say that I really didn't understand at the time what was happening but then my mom told me I burst into tears so scared that the bad men would find us and blow us up. I can not imagine what the families that lost their loved ones in this event must have been going through. I have family members that were in the Navy but have retired now so it really hasn't struck me that there could have been a chance that they may not be here today. I honestly could say I don't know what I would do without them standing by my side. So to see that many people die that day and the many people that have gone off to war because of this event and have died is tragic. Some of them were parents of newborns, never to be able to hold their child in their arms and the child never to meet their dad. Infants not knowing the last image they may have of their mother and father is of them getting on a plane to go off to war. Grandparents that have never been met and widows that never got the chance to even start a family. It affects everyone in some way or another.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Play Performance

Q: How was this Shakespear play "How You Like It" for you?

A: It was good. we all got  some great laughs from it.

Q: Did you understand what was going on?

A: At first it was hard because I am not used to how they talk but seeing the actions and following what they did helped.

Q:What did you think of the stage fight?

A: well I know it was fake but for being fake I thought it was pretty awesome with all the flips and stuff that they could do.

Q: Do you think all the actors played their part well?

A: Yes I think they all did a good job. Especially the girl that played as part of a guy. She put off the guy vibe pretty well.

Q: Did you ever think Orlando was going to find out she was not a guy?

A: Yeah I though he would find out when she was telling him to "woo" her.

Q: Would you like to see them perform again.

A: Yes it would be awesome.