Thursday, November 3, 2011

A World Full Of Hurt

I still remember from ten years ago coming out into the living room and watching the towers come crashing down. I would hate to say that I really didn't understand at the time what was happening but then my mom told me I burst into tears so scared that the bad men would find us and blow us up. I can not imagine what the families that lost their loved ones in this event must have been going through. I have family members that were in the Navy but have retired now so it really hasn't struck me that there could have been a chance that they may not be here today. I honestly could say I don't know what I would do without them standing by my side. So to see that many people die that day and the many people that have gone off to war because of this event and have died is tragic. Some of them were parents of newborns, never to be able to hold their child in their arms and the child never to meet their dad. Infants not knowing the last image they may have of their mother and father is of them getting on a plane to go off to war. Grandparents that have never been met and widows that never got the chance to even start a family. It affects everyone in some way or another.

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