Friday, November 11, 2011

Dear Diary

Forest finally found me. I thought he was dead I mean who just shows up after being MIA for four years! I just about pooped my pants when I heard that voice say my sandwich was looking good. So now forest and Dan have been living with me for a few days and Forest has this insane idea that he is going to be a wrestler. I don't know if i like that idea and I don't know if I like this guy mike either. I mean he is making Forest wear a diaper for heavens sake. Couldn't he have thought about a different character for Forest to be like OH I don't know maybe a lion or something more fierce. I would much rather see forest with a mane and a tail than in a diaper and a dunce hat. I don't know I guess we will just have to see how it goes and pray Forest doesn't hurt too many people.Until next time.

1 comment:

  1. Angie, this made me laugh! Watch your grammar though, dearie.
