Friday, December 2, 2011

IT's A Circus!

College football games are like a modern day circus. People love the excitement it brings. They come for the food which would consist of tailgates and concession stands. They come for the prizes. To see who is holding the winning ticket for the 50/50.people come for entertainment. The entertainment may not have exotic animals but there are always drunk animals yelling and screaming and getting into fights that are pretty funny. Most of all they people come to see the performers, the players. they come to watch the talent among the athletes on the field. Whether it is being able to make that long pass for a touchdown or being able to run the ball at lightning speed the people always enjoy College ball.

1 comment:

  1. Nice analysis! Some people do act like animals (or worse) at football games, and the players - yes, I suppose they are performers!
