Monday, December 19, 2011

Water For Elephants Movie Review

Water For Elephants was a very interesting movie. It shows the real side of circus life and the allusions behind it. The cruelty it shows with the animals is terrible and August really need to get a grip on his life. Marlene is the contrast character that cares for the animals and doesn't think the world is going to end if the circus dies. Jacob comes along and is the vet for the circus and he sides with Marlene on caring for the animals and mainly Rosie. Rosie is probably the best Character in this movie. Her attitude is so funny and she is so smart. This movie is not one that I would really watch but it was a movie i would watch again.

1 comment:

  1. Miss Angie - it doesn't seem like you spent a ton of time on this...please look over the assignment requirements before you post!
