Friday, September 2, 2011

Fear of Jumping

Your going to fall off and die Angie. Your going to hit the rocks down below or maybe a snake will come up and bite you! I finally took a deep breath and took the jump not breathing again until I hit the water and came back up for air. Fear was telling me a lot of things that made me not want to jump off that cliff but I was able to over come that fear and jump. I was scared because there were rocks near the bottom that if you didn't jump far enough out you would hit. when I jumped and looked down it looked like I was going to hit the rocks only to come up out of the water thinking I want to do it again! It was also scared because right before I was going to jump I saw two big snakes swimming in the water down below. I really don't like snakes. I did almost fall off the cliff. If it hadn't been for someone hanging on to the back of my life jacket while I was climbing down to the edge I would have slipped right off. In the end I was happy I jumped because it gave me this rush that was awesome! I would totally do it again. And besides I wasn't going to not jump after hiking the three miles to get to this place.

1 comment:

  1. "Fear was telling me a lot of things that made me not want to jump off that cliff" ---> What kind of things, Angie?
