Friday, September 30, 2011

In 20 years

In twenty years i will be working for a NFL or college football team as an athletic director. I will be married to a hot football player and have three kids. All my kids will be boys and be studs at life or mainly just football. I will have the best wedding ever! It will be so awesome that even Justin Bieber will be jealous and sad that he was not invited. My family and I will have an amazing house with a football field, basketball court, and a dirt bike track in the back. I will have a Ford truck and an orange camaro that only I am a loud to drive. My husband and I will grow old and watch our boys be football stars in college and maybe even in the NFL. This is what my life will be like in twenty years. That is if everything goes as planned. :)

Thursday, September 22, 2011

A River Runs Through It Movie Review

The River Runs Through It was a great film. It was awesome how it took place in the olden days and how they used the old cars. I think the actor selection was pretty good. Especially Brad Pitt as Paul because back then he was quite a good looking man and played Paul's part of a ladies man quite well. The scenery with the river and the mountains was beautiful and the detail of the fishing line was amazing. I like how they used a younger age for the two boys. It appeals more to the viewers and it was more tragic when Paul dies in the end. I did not like how Paul dies but we all saw it coming. Over all I think this film was one of Robert Redford's best pieces yet.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Everything Will Make Sense

"Eventually, all things merge into one and a river runs through it." When fishing everything makes sense. You are in a world full of peace and tranquility. This quote from the book A River Runs Through It reminds me of something my grandfather would say while we were fishing. All the little things in life that happen all will come together as one. If it turns out bad the river will run through it and wash it away. If it turns out good the river will run through it and carry it with you. My grandfather once told me that if you're having a bad day go fishing because you will be able to let everything else go with each cast you make. All things in life will eventually lead up to that point where everything makes sense.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

It's An Art

Basketball is an art
It's sometimes fun to play in shopping carts
When you're dribbling down the court
The other team will want to abort
You let everything else go
And get into your mojo
Because right now you're playing a game
And you can't play it lame
So shoot that ball a lot
And knock down someone named Scott
Because you are here to win
Not to lose again!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Fear of Jumping

Your going to fall off and die Angie. Your going to hit the rocks down below or maybe a snake will come up and bite you! I finally took a deep breath and took the jump not breathing again until I hit the water and came back up for air. Fear was telling me a lot of things that made me not want to jump off that cliff but I was able to over come that fear and jump. I was scared because there were rocks near the bottom that if you didn't jump far enough out you would hit. when I jumped and looked down it looked like I was going to hit the rocks only to come up out of the water thinking I want to do it again! It was also scared because right before I was going to jump I saw two big snakes swimming in the water down below. I really don't like snakes. I did almost fall off the cliff. If it hadn't been for someone hanging on to the back of my life jacket while I was climbing down to the edge I would have slipped right off. In the end I was happy I jumped because it gave me this rush that was awesome! I would totally do it again. And besides I wasn't going to not jump after hiking the three miles to get to this place.