Thursday, October 27, 2011

Play Performance

Q: How was this Shakespear play "How You Like It" for you?

A: It was good. we all got  some great laughs from it.

Q: Did you understand what was going on?

A: At first it was hard because I am not used to how they talk but seeing the actions and following what they did helped.

Q:What did you think of the stage fight?

A: well I know it was fake but for being fake I thought it was pretty awesome with all the flips and stuff that they could do.

Q: Do you think all the actors played their part well?

A: Yes I think they all did a good job. Especially the girl that played as part of a guy. She put off the guy vibe pretty well.

Q: Did you ever think Orlando was going to find out she was not a guy?

A: Yeah I though he would find out when she was telling him to "woo" her.

Q: Would you like to see them perform again.

A: Yes it would be awesome.

Friday, October 7, 2011

The Dance of Shame

Lets go to the bar and have a drink Bob suggests. I agree that it would be a good idea after a long day of fishing. As we are driving down the street we come to a stop sign. I hear this loud music of some sort coming from my right. I look over and see two girls doing a thrust like motion to the song. I assume they are dancing but who knows what teenagers do these days. Bob and I are laughing hysterically when I get this great idea to creep them out a little bit. I tell Bob the plan and he is all game for it. so as we turned the corner I rolled down my window and yell looking good as Bob honked the horn at them. Their faces turned bright red and you could tell they were embarrassed and a little creeped out as they jumped in the car and took off.